Storage Capacity |
16GB, 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, 256GB, 512GB
16GB=approximately 14GB-15GB 32GB=approximately 28GB-30GB 64GB=approximately 58GB-60GB 128GB=approximately 115GB-119GB 256GB=approximately 230GB-238GB
*1 Based on internal testing using a USB 3.0 compatible device. Read and write speeds may vary depending on the read and write conditions, such as devices you use and file sizes you read and/or write.
*2 The terms’Hi-Speed USB 2.0′ and ‘SuperSpeed USB 3.0\’ used herein are the names of specifications upon which this product is based; they do not guarantee the speed of its operation.
*3 The Product is labeled based on the memory chip (s) it contains, not the amount of memory capacity available for data storage by the end user. Part of the capacity is reserved for card functionality. Approximate usable capacity is based on 1 GB = 1,073,741,824 bytes.
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